Under the Sea...and Chlorine
We all know I have my camera with me at all times - especially when I'm on vacation! So it really killed me to have to limit myself to "land only" Kodak moments. Thankfully, Christmas came early for this kid! A great little Fuji FinePix XP was given to me from Santa well in advance and I couldn't have been more excited! This however, meant that I completely neglected any photos that took place outside of the water for two days in Koh Phagnan. Let the underwater adventure commence!
We stayed in these great rooms surrounding the pool, equipped with hammocks that we all put to good use!Since we spend a lot of time in the water on the weekends, I've been saying how I wanted to get a nice floaty or inner tube so I could really relax, because we all know holding yourself up in water is exhausting. Before we left for the weekend, Lori and I went shopping and picked up three tubes for our aquatic adventures. However, being the dumb asses that we are, we never thought to check the size of the tubes. So when we opened them, we found something that resembled the size of a plate more than a floatation device. Oops. Of course, we turned this into a game to see if people could squeeze themselves through! Again, this group could have fun in a paper bag.
Yoga under water? Yes, please!
Everyone got their Wai on under the water in Koh Phangan!
Underwater tea parties are for babies...where is the beer?!
This little stud muffin was sweeping everyone off their feet! He offered Sophie a flower in the water, which made Pete feel like he had to step up his game.
This weekend, it wasn't all silly water games; we kept ourselves busy by styling some photo shoots with any props we could find. Those props being mostly flowers that kept falling into the pool. Thankfully this kept us occupied for a few hours...
Patch also wanted some photos of himself, but with self-made props. Lori and I spent our last weekend together in Khanom where we literally did nothing! There were no parties, no loud music, and no drinking. We sat on the beach, ate food, and played in the water! We were able to catch some great weather and make ourselves laugh with the help of my new toy!
(Look Mom, we're just floating heads.)